Tiger girls logo
ep. 3
Suling and Nadia sit in silence on the bench. They are both deep in thought. 

Suling absentmindedly scratches the scar on her neck with her right hand. She is restless and fidgety. 

Nadia sighs, and turns towards her. "What makes you say she's from the mainland?" A flash of memory goes through Suling's mind as she recalls an orange bound book with "The History of The Tiger Girls" neatly written across the cover. Pages from the book show snapshots in time.

In the first panel, a teenage girl with light brown cropped hair looks away as another teen glares at her. In the second panel, an authority figure reprimands the same girl as others ridicule and laugh at her. In the last panel, the authority figure covers her hair with a dark cloth.Suling exclaims, "Because if she was from another hidden Tiger Island, she'd have known better." 

"On the mainland, they passed a law banning women from cuting their hair short. I read it in their records." 

Nadia replies, "You don't know for sure. We know other islands like ours exist, but they might have different rules..." Suling continues to recall the history of the Tiger Girls. A few women surround a table with a map of Southeast Asia, which is illuminated by an oil lamp. A women dressed in a tudung leads the discussion as she points to various regions on the map. Suling says confidently, "It pushed the women to start the rebellion, Dia! I know it! And Aunt Lian Neo told me our earliest records were shared among all the Tiger Sisters who escaped from the mainland." 

She gestures as she continues, "It wouldn't make sense for any of the islands to allow the weight of being a girl to pull them down in the water." Nadia waves dismissively and says, "Maybe. But we don't know for sure." Suling scratches her scar, replying, "It's the only thing that makes sense." She stands up suddenly. 

"But if she's from the mainland, what is she doing here? How did she find us? Did our informant network contact Aunt Lian Neo?" Nadia replies, "I don't know if the network contacted Aunt Lian Neo. You know only the senior aunts would know that. And it wasn't that close to the island." 

Suling argues, "But you said you were patrolling the shoreline, and you saw her even in the dark, so it had to be close enough." Nadia shakes her head. 

"I mean, it was close enough, obviously. But I came straight to find Aunt Lian Neo after, so I don't know anything else. The rest of the Water Tigers are still patrolling as a precaution." Suling touches the scar on her neck as she remembers how she and Nadia split ways. The top left flashback shows a memory of the times she spent studying with Aunt Lian Neo as a child. The top right shows Aunt Lian Neo scolding Suling as Nadia looks on. 

The bottom left shows Aunt Lian Neo in a deep discussion with Nadia, and the bottom right shows Nadia in the library studiously writing lines on a long piece of paper. Nadia stares at Suling. 

Then she looks down and smiles. "Aunt Lian Neo was right to place you with the Record-Keepers. It's important for us to remember." 

Suling looks away and "TSK's" in exasperation. "She's punishing me for not being exactly like her." Nadia glares at Suling. "She's not". Then Nadia crosses her arms. "You're punishing yourself." 

Suling rolls her eyes and says, "What am I supposed to do if the mainland attacks? Poke them with my brush? Throw ink in their faces? Tell them to be patient while I take copious notes? Remember them?" A thought bubble depicts a chibi Suling throwing ink at a mainland coastguard. A second bubble shows Suling intensely focusing on writing notes as she chants "patience, patience, patience." Nadia raises an arm and snorts with laughter. "There is more than one way to fight. You literally remember everything you see, everything you hear, everything you read," she explains to Suling. 

"You have no idea how amazing that is." 

She reaches out to touch Suling on her shoulder. "It is a gift." Suling swats Nadia's wrist away as she exclaims, "It is a curse." She angrily says: "It's a curse that's keeping me from training with you. I want to fight by your side. We promised each other!" 

Nadia looks grim as she replies, "It's a responsibility. One that Aunt Lian Neo is trying to get you to accept. If only you'd listen." She sighs. 

"Suling..." She trails off, as she reaches out again to grab Suling's hand. Nadia looks pensive as she holds Suling's palms. "Suling, why don't you go home? Who knows how long Aunt will be—?"  

Suling looks away from Nadia. "Doesn't it bother you when she does this to us?" Nadia pauses for a moment. "What do you mean?" 

"Leave you out." Suling says. "Leave us out." Nadia hunches in annoyance as she replies, "She'll tell me what I need to know when I need to know it." Suling retorts, "You're starting to sound more and more like her." 

Nadia gently places both hands on Suling's shoulders. "Is that really such a bad thing?" She asks.

With a fierce look, Suling declares: "I'd rather die."She glances towards the door. "What's taking them so long? Let's go in and see if they're done." 

Nadia grabs Suling's wrist and pulls her back. "No," she says. Suling, with a rebellious expression on her face, replies, "Why not?" 

Nadia narrows her eyes at Suling in exasperation. "Stop being a child, Suling, Grow up." Suling explodes in anger as she yells, "Do you really have to obey every single command Aunt Lian Neo gives you? Shouldn't you try and think for yourself once in a while?"
Nadia defensively points at Suling as she retorts angrily, "Do you have to disobey for the sake of disobeying? Shouldn't you try to think about what's at stake, for once in your life?" Suling replies bitterly, "Not everyone can be perfect like you, Nadia." 

Just then, they hear the sound of the door unlocking. The two turn towards the door as a figure emerges. A woman in glasses and a pale blue, patterned tudung looks out. She says, "Suling, Lian Neo wants... you. Nadia, you too." She adjusts her glasses and turns to go back in. 

Nadia and Suling head towards the door, but Nadia reaches it first and pauses at the door. 

The woman looks concerned. "Nadia?" She asks. Nadia replies, "Auntie Fatimah... Maybe..." Suling tries to peek from behind Nadia. Nadia glances at Suling warily. "...Maybe it would be better if Suling waited here and then went back with you to look after the young ones in the creche?" 

Suling exclaims loudly, "What? No!" She gives Nadia a deathly stare that makes Nadia sweat. 

"Auntie, whatever Aunt Lian Neo wants, I'm ready," Suling says. Auntie Fatimah sighs. Nadia replies, "No, you're not. You don't know—" 

Auntie Fatimah is silent for a while. Then she says, "Maybe... Let me check with Lian Neo again." 

Suling raises her voice. "No! Aunt Lian Neo will be angry if we disobey her, you know what she's like. Nadia is just being a pain—" She is cut off by Auntie Fatimah. "Enough." As both Nadia and Suling look intently at Auntie Fatimah, she finally tells them: "Go, both of you."
ep. 3