Tiger girls logo
ep. 2
A two-storey teal-coloured building stands at the end of a boardwalk. It is located on the riverside, surrounded by wooden houses on stilts. Lush vegetation grows all around. 

We are right in front the building, looking up. The door is shut, and there are three open windows on the second floor.Inside the house, on the second storey, Aunt Lian Neo stands in the corridor, her hand on a doorknob. Nadia and Suling stand behind her. The corridor has pale blue walls and dark blue doors. Wooden benches are placed against the walls. 

Suling looks towards the door apprehensively. Aunt Lian Neo opens the door a crack. She turns back to them and tells them: "Wait here." It is dark inside the room.

Aunt Lian Neo enters the room with a resolved expression. Nadia, standing behind her, looks worried. Suling looks tense. Suling immediately turns towards Nadia. Nadia looks away at the same time. 

Nadia sits on the wooden bench against the wall. Suling slumps beside her, wearing an irritated expression. Both of them are silent. 

Nadia tilts her chin up and closes her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed. Slowly, Suling creeps closer and closer to Nadia, staring intently at Nadia, until Nadia can no longer ignore Suling's presence. Nadia starts to feel stressed.  

As Suling faces Nadia, she says: "Quick, tell me exactly what happened." Nadia's head slants away, a sweat dropping across her cheek, her arms crossed defensively. "Suling—" she warns. Suling stares at Nadia intently. "Don't leave anything out, quickly. Before Aunt Lian Neo comes back." Nadia answers, "No, Ling. I can't—." Suling grabs Nadia's hand, which is resting on the wooden bench. 

Suling's expression is sincere as she stares at Nadia. "Please, Dia. Just tell me. If Aunt didn't want me to know, she wouldn't have allowed me to come. Think of it as taking the daily records now instead of tomorrow."

Blue waves form outside of the panel as Nadia begins to tell her story. She sits on the wooden bench, looking down contemplatively, as Suling sits beside her."We were patrolling the shoreline as usual," Nadia says, as she recalls herself and another Water Tiger, a woman with short, light-brown hair, keeping watch by the sea. The panels are shaped like water bubbles against a dark background.

Nadia continues: "Everyone was quite relaxed. It's the monsoon season, right? No one would be foolish enough to brave the straits now, even if they knew we existed." The other Water Tiger notices something in the middle of the sea.

Nadia says: "Then a sister started shouting." The Water Tiger pointed to something pale in the middle of the sea. Nadia and a third Water Tiger rush towards her to see what is happening.Nadia says, "It was so dark. I thought it was an animal at first, or driftwood..." All around, the waves rage violently. A pale hand stretches from within the waves.

Nadia continues recounting her story. "...but then we got a clearer look." As Nadia looks towards the distance, her expression is one of alarm. Lightning strikes. Several Water Tigers immediately dive into the waters. They wear a green diving mask shaped like a tiger's maw. Nadia runs to the sea, the water submerging her waist. 

"I never had to swim so hard in my life," recounts Nadia. She dives into deep waters, her right hand outstreched into the darkness. Her legs kicks upwards as weak light penetrates the water surface. Her tiger's maw mask is tight around her face. Air bubbles form around her.Nadia presses her palm on her forehead, covering one of her eyes as she looks down gravely. "By the time we got to her—." Suling perks up, alarmed. She turns towards Nadia, perplexed. "Her?"

Nadia's left knuckles are red and raw, the bandage around her wrist loose. 

She stares at her bandaged hand, "... A woman," she says. Suling stares at Nadia, her expression serious. Nadia says, "She was so pale and cold. She felt dead. She was so heavy..."

"Her hair got caught on a broken plank, from her wrecked boat." We see a close-up of Nadia's lower face. "We had to cut her loose or she would have drowned."

The edges of Nadia's eyes are red, revealing her stress and exhaustion. Dark circles are seen under her eyes. 

She looks down, as if afraid. The light in her eyes are gone. "Then, once we got her to shore, she started to scream. I cant—." Her voice starts to tremble as she whispers, "She wouldn't stop screaming."  Nadia rests her palms on the lower half of her face. Her brows are furrowed, and her knuckles are raw. "One of... One of the older sisters had to restrain her. Then—"

She looks down at her right hand, clenching the wooden bench she is sitting on. "Then— I didn't mean to— But I knocked the woman out."  Suling watches Nadia's bandaged left hand as it trembles, reaching her own hand towards it. 

Nadia turns her whole body away before Suling manages to hold her hand, distancing her left hand from Suling. Suling is taken aback. "Everything happened so fast. All I could think of was that her screaming would wake up the entire village. We dragged her to the infirmary and Aunt Fatimah sent me to get Aunt Lian Neo," Nadia said.  Suling stands up from her seat and walks to face Nadia. She will not let Nadia turn away from her.

Nadia avoids Suling's confrontation as she breaks eye contact with her. "She was feral, Ling. Shrieking and clawing at us." "Look," Nadia said. Suling's eyes widen in shock. 

Nadia unravels the loose bandage on her left hand in front of a standing Suling. Her left hand is scarred and bleeding. The scars are deep and new. Blood slowly trickles from the open wound.

"Ah!" Suling flinched, sweat dripping down her face. Nadia looks away, "I've had worse during training."

Suling looks down at Nadia, realising something odd. "Wait..."Suling looks up thoughtfully, "She had long hair?"

Nadia turns towards Suling who looks pensive.

Suling tilts her head upwards as she reaches a conclusion, "She must be from the mainland!"
ep. 2